How Lighting Affects Photography


A highly important consideration for photographers is light. In truth, light effect is captured by photographers on objects, if the picture is taken in light that comes naturally or coming from incandescent light. Any photographer that is aware of how the lens and eye identify the colour scale is able to optimize the light use in photography.The Spectrum of Colour To the naked eye, the sun’s natural light as well as the incandescent artificial light seems white. But if a light is shone through prism, a rainbow variety of colours will appear. What this shows is how white ‘colour’ has each colour spectrum shade.When an object is hit by light, a bit of the spectrum colour is absorbed by the object and is reflected back to the other colours. The colour portion that the object did not absorb, but reflected to the eye, will be the colour that the human eye perceives of the object. For example, black will be the colour of the spectrum that is reflected by a white wall. Therefore, the camera lens (human eyes) sees white. In addition, a red rose will reflect the colour spectrum’s red colour while a black object will absorb all the colours on the spectrum.Colour Photography with Natural LightContrary to what several persons think, light in natural form in photography is not constant. Whether you are taking pictures of the family at an important event or when you are making memories when you travel, at various times during the day, a variety of colour spectrum shades control natural light. For example, in the middle of the day, the dominant colour of the spectrum is the blue segment, giving off a light that can be described as cool. At this time of day, the sharpest and clearest pictures are produced in light that is bright.Quite the reverse, natural sunrise and sunset light highlights the red section of the spectrum of colour. In photography terms, sunset and sunrise light is called warm light and these create warmer photos having a contrast that is softer.Photography and Artificial LightWhen artificial light is utilized in photography, the lighting effect will be determined by the kind of bulb that is used. The warm glow that is dispersed by the incandescent light generates a dramatically different effect when compared to what a focused, narrow and sharp street light beam is able to produce.Incandescent light photographs tend to have a hint of yellow. This can be combated by using one of two methods. One is to utilize a filter of blue colour to counteract the unwanted yellowing. If a camera with film is being used rather that a digital camera, tungsten film created for professional studio or cinema lights can be used. Even though it was not designed intentionally for incandescent light, the yellow quality that is frequently seen in indoor photography is reduced.The use of fluorescent lights as well as street lamps generates diffuse light which frequently converts into greenish hints in photography with colour. This unsightly colour can be removed with the help of daytime or fluorescent filter. A photographer is able to use the effect of the greenish tint caused from street lamps to his benefit; the greenish hint can bring forth ghostly or mysterious effects.Photography – Direct and Diffused LightThe course of direct or diffuse light used in photography is essential. The subject’s appearance is changed with different light angles that generate different shadows. Direct light is ideal if you want high level distinction between shadows and light. Diffuse light, for example fluorescent lighting, catches the subject in various directions. Lack of contrast in this case mutes and softens the colours and image respectively.Light and Digital Cameras in PhotographyThere are particular light settings available with digital cameras. A few of the popular settings are:Auto – for the camera to adjust to light which changesCloudy – for use outdoor when it is overcast or cloudySunny/Daylight – using flash to take pictureFlash – use with pictures utilizing the flashTungsten or Incandescent – for use in incandescent lightingFluorescent – for use in scenes that are lit by lights from fluorescent sourceManual – for managing each slot’s lighting. The photographer needs to point the camera lens at white colour paper to manually alter lighting settings.Black and White or Colour PhotographyLighting is essential for photography of colour but it is more necessary for sepia or black and white. This may sound counterintuitive but the absence of colour indicates that the main feature involved in photography with black white is the light-shadow contrast.The same basic rules relating to light in photography goes for black and white photographs too. For instance, a higher level contrast when compared to diffuse light is created by direct light. The light-shadow contrast is more noticeable in black white photography than in colour, so direct light should be the selection of photographers when designing the shot.

How to Choose a Online School to Take the Defensive Driving Course?

Defensive driving online is a relatively new development in online education. While universities have been offering courses in general study for quite some time, state and local governments have been slow in adopting this new method of allowing drivers to dismiss traffic tickets or get penalty points removed from their drivers licenses. The prevalence is growing, however, and in most parts of the U.S. it is possible to take traffic school from the comfort of home.Taking Convenience to a New LevelThe benefits of working on the web rather than going into a classroom are many. The clearest of these is the benefit of time, because these in most cases, the online defensive driving course is self-paced. This means that rather than like some online universities, which require students to log on and participate in chat-room discussions at a set time, the traffic school sits available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to be accessed at any time for any duration. The secondary benefit of place is enhanced by the fact that some schools are fully web-based rather than software-based, meaning that students can access the material from any computer with an Internet connection, not just one that first used to register for the course.Online Defensive Driving Course OptionsNot everyone who takes defensive driving training over the web is doing so because they got a traffic ticket, though. Some drivers, primarily those who qualify as senior citizens, are able to take defensive driving online classes once every three years in order to receive a discount on their auto insurance premiums. Not all areas offer this discount, and not all drivers who are eligible are aware of it. And of this smaller group, even those who live in states where the online option has been offered for years, like Florida, still often believe that they must sit in a classroom to earn their discounts. Not so – the rules vary by insurance company and region, but many drivers need not visit a brick-and-mortar school at all.Different Schools, Different PersonalitiesOnce a driver, whether a traffic violator or a discount seeker, decides to take a driving safety class on the web, how do they choose a school? Several factors come into play, depending on the personality of the driver in question. Some are out to find the lowest rock-bottom price they can, regardless of the courses quality. They are not in it to learn safety tips, but to get out with the lowest possible expenditure. These drivers should be especially wary of hidden charges, and be sure to compare apples to apples when choosing a course.Service the Key FactorOther drivers may be looking for longevity of the company, or for superior customer service. These are legitimate factors that can bring peace of mind to the student. The overwhelming factor in determining whether or not a driver has a satisfactory experience, though, is the personality of the student compared to the personality of the course. This is different for everyone, but the “x factor” can greatly alter a students perception of their experience with the school.

Let Us Help You Spring Clean Your Finances!

Since spring has sprung we are taking every opportunity to open our windows and let the fresh air in. Most of us start cleaning out the garage, clean off the outdoor furniture and pack up our old clothes to donate to charity. Why should spring cleaning end with your home? This is the perfect time to tidy up your personal finances as well. Consider these recommendations to “clean” up your finances.

Contribute to your 401(k). Make sure you contribute enough to your 401(k) to qualify for maximum matching funds. Your employer is willing to give you this free money so don’t leave it on the table.

Open and IRA. If you own your own business or work for a company with no retirement plan, open an IRA. You can get big tax breaks from opening this type of retirement plan. If you don’t know which IRA is right for you, you can search “Types of Retirement Plans” at

Rate check your credit cards. The interest rates on your credit cards can have an impact on your balances and have the potential of adding up over time. If your interest rate is increasing your card balances, it’s time to shop around to find a lower rate. Other items that are options for rate checks are mortgage loans, auto loans and even your checking and savings accounts. For a real feeling of gratification, pay off the balance that costs you the high interest. If you want to zero our your balance by the end of the year, divide the amount owed by 7 and pay that amount every month. Can’t bite off that much every month? Move the balance to another card with an introductory rate and pay it off before the deal runs out. Make sure there are no high transfer fees.

Open a savings account. Follow these three steps when opening your savings account:
1. Set a financial goal and timeline.
2. Decide how much to save each month to help you reach your goal.
3. Setup automatic transfers into your savings plan from your checking account. This way the transfer is done for you and you won’t miss the money.

Review your credit report. Make sure your credit reports are free of mistakes. Remember, you are able to order one free credit report every year from each of the three major credit bureaus. You can get one free of charge from

Organize or discard old financial documents. Sort through all your bank statements, invoices, bills and other financial records and keep those that are only necessary. Be aware you need to keep tax returns, canceled checks, receipts and any supporting paperwork for your taxes for at least six years. Make sure you don’t just trash your important documents in the trash without shredding them. You don’t want them to be picked up by an identity thief.

Set up automatic bill pay. Spring-cleaning just isn’t about de-cluttering. It’s about making your financial life more efficient. Set up automatic bill pay and link it to your checking account in an effort to eliminate any chance of missing a payment and paying late fees.

Review your budget. Take a close look at your current budget and decide if you need to make any changes.

Pay off as much debt as possible. Spring is a good time to review your outstanding debts and which loans or credit cards you could pay off. If nothing else, develop a stricter payoff plan. Cleaning up your outstanding debt quickly will put you in a much better financial position for the rest of the year.

Record your financial passwords and store all your records in a secure place. Make sure you’re not using the same password for all your financial accounts. Protect yourself against identity theft by protecting your passwords and other financial documents in an online secure vault.

Be a community steward. Try and make a difference in your community. Believe it or not, giving of yourself to others will make you feel a lot wealthier.